Monday, February 15, 2010

What do I do now

Holden is in the maintenance phase of his Leukemia treatment. I thought I was doing okay. But it turns out that I apparenlty suppressed a lot of emotions last year. I gave up my whole self to make sure that Holden could come out of the insane chemo he had to go thru last year a happy, well adjusted 3.5 yr old. And it turns out I was very successful, and I am so happy about that. The problem is now that Holden is doing so well, I am completely falling apart. I expected to go back to work and make my mark. Unfortunately, I feel like I am totally falling apart and have absolutely no control over my emotions. How can I be so successfull at something as hard as getting your toddler thru totally intense chemo as a happy well adjusted great kid and not even be able to do a job that I could have totally done before practically in my sleep. My psychiatrist has put me on medical leave for 2 weeks to try to find some combination of medication that will allow me to handle work. I have no idea what in the world I am going to do for 2 whole weeks with Holden in daycare. I feel like I am going to be bored out of my stinking mind but the way work is going I am finding it almost impossible to deal with any situation where there is any amount of tension. Instead of being able to tell people in a professional way that I think they are off base I start crying and then I can say nothing. WHAT GIVES!!!!!!! And of course the husband appears to be doing fine. What the hell is wrong with me?